Thursday, May 23, 2013

100 Days of Scripture ~ 2013 "PCP Challenge"

Welcome back for another summer of saturating yourselves with God's Word! And if this is your first year, welcome to the 100 Days of Scripture! This year we will combine reading with memorization and study/devotion time for those who desire to r-e-a-l-l-y stretch themselves. What does "PCP Challenge" mean? Well, the books from the Bible which will be utilized are Proverbs, Colossians and Psalms. The challenge is developed with the hopes of those entering the 100 Days of Scripture will draw closer to God and establish a good habit of daily devotion to God and His Word, which I'm sure you may already have. Also, consider an opportunity to "challenge" a friend with the 100 Days of Scripture. Consider finding a study partner this summer during the challenge, or use it as an evangelistic tool. Families might want to plan this challenge as their devotional for the coming weeks. "Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." (Prov. 27:17) I am so excited to get started! I know you are up to this year's challenge and I'm cheering you on as our 3rd year together begins!

Let's get to the details (There will be a schedule to follow, don't worry):

1. Many years ago, our family had heard about a daily Bible reading plan that included reading a chapter of Proverbs throughout the year. Which meant you would have read through Proverbs 12 times in a year, and may I add, Proverbs is not too shabby of a book to 'chisel' upon your heart. And how you remember which chapter you are in is by knowing what day of the month it is. If today was the 26th, then you are to read the 26th chapter of Proverbs. What happens when a month does not have 31 days since Proverbs contains 31 chapters? I'm glad you asked! Then you just double up on 1, 2 or even 3 days, if needed. In our 100 Days of Scripture, the only month we will double up is in June and it will be done on the 30th. Confused? Don't worry, I have a schedule for all of us to follow. :)

2. Along with a daily chapter in Proverbs, a portion from Colossians and then Psalms will be read for that particular day. Colossians (4 chapters) will only take up the first 4 days and the other 96 days will be consumed by reading all 150 Psalms.

3. Every Monday, a portion of text from Colossians will be memorized and reviewed for the week. Not every verse in Colossians will be memorized for the 100 days, but some good solid texts have been selected for memory work. On some weeks, the texts memorized will be a continuation from the previous week, and on others, it will be a new portion of Colossians. Got it? Good! So, 14 out of the 15 Mondays in our 100 Days of Scripture will have new texts from Colossians to memorize.

4. Every Tuesday, a song will be introduced for you to learn and practice daily. Not all songs will coincide with the Colossians memorization and study (I'll get to that with #5), but I'll get close. Anyway, if you can, sing with it friends, family, or whoever! I'm hoping to have a YouTube link to a good copy of the song in case you do not know it or if you do not have a hymnal at home.

5. Every Thursday, I will provide a word/term study for you to discuss with others or for your own personal Bible study. It will revolve around a key word(s) within the Colossians memory verses for that particular week (e.g. Colossians 3:12-14; the term "put on" will be studied). I will make sure the study is posted on the Facebook Event Page or on my blog or BOTH with an adequate amount of time to look it over before that particular Thursday.

6. Finally, I encourage you to review all memorization, songs and study on every Saturday. If you can, do the memory work from Week 1 and every new week add to it. So by the end of Week 14 you are saying all the verses from every week by memory. Cool, huh?!

7. This is quite a challenge and, again, I hope what comes from these 100 days is a greater knowledge and stronger relationship with our Creator. Do what you can, but whatever you do, do for the Lord!

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